Magio I/O-modules
The Magio product family includes the Magio WEB compact controller, Magio Serial M and Magio Ethernet M I/O modules.
The Magio Serial M is an I/O module using the Modbus RTU protocol on the RS485 bus.
The Magio Ethernet M is an I/O module using the Modbus protocol with two Ethernet connectors. The module also has an RS485 connector, so it can be used as a gateway for the Monitor Serial module.
The Magio I/O module measures, monitors, adjusts and controls

Magio WEB and Magio I / O modules are completely universal. Both analog and digital input and output messages can be connected to the module. One module type for all automation!

Magio I/O modules have a maximum of 8 analog or 16 digital freely-configurable, universal I/O points. They can be programmed to operate in any mode: AI, AO, DI, DO. The same module can contain both digital and analog input and output messages. The total sum of digital and analogue messages shall not exceed 16 according to the table above.
Magio detects process failures! Magio I/O modules monitor device health and detect anomalies.